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UVPackmaster 3 for Blender [Tutorial 1]: Groups To Tiles mode.

172 Просмотры

The tutorial presents the most sophisticated and feature-rich packing mode of UVPackmaster 3 for Blender: Groups To Tiles mode.

This mode already existed in UVPackmaster 2, however it was significantly improved in UVPackmaster 3, so that the user has a lot more control over the entire process.

The tutorial was created in cooperation with Markom3D (https://www.youtube.com/c/Markom3D).

0:00 Introducion
0:31 1. Automatic Grouping Methods
1:37 2. Group Layout Mode
2:24 3. Texel Density Policy
4:52 4. Manual Grouping (Grouping Scheme Method)
7:12 5. Manual Group Layout
11:51 6. Custom Texel Density Policy (for advances users)
14:51 7. Pixel Margin Options
17:25 8. Overriding Global Options
18:58 9. Handling Inconsistent Group Assignment

UV Unwrapping
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