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Blender Addon With Serpens Part 6.1 - Pomodoro Block-Out

66 Просмотры
Part 6 in the Introduction Series: We will be building a Pomodoro timer, using Properties, Variables, Scripts, Register a Function as a Timer, and more. And we will be adding the Pomodoro to the same menu from our previous video.
The Free ICON files and Blend File are Located on Gumroad here:

Here are my affiliate links to get your copy of Serpens:
Blender Market Affiliate Link https://blendermarket.com/creators/joshua-knauber?ref=375
Gumroad Affiliate Link https://gumroad.com/a/953357427/qpkWf

Please like and subscribe to see more videos like this and stay tuned for Part 7 where we make a Snippet and an Addon Template
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