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► Music Credit: Artificial.Music
Track Name: "And So It Begins"
Music By: Artificial Music @
YT Channel HERE:
Original upload HERE -
License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) License.
Full License HERE -
Music promoted by NCM
► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
Track Name: "Better Days"
Original upload HERE -
Official "LAKEY INSPIRED" YouTube Channel HERE -
License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.
Full License HERE -
Music promoted by NCM
► Music Credit: Artificial.Music
Track Name: "And So It Begins"
Music By: Artificial Music @
YT Channel HERE:
Original upload HERE -
License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) License.
Full License HERE -
Music promoted by NCM
► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
Track Name: "Better Days"
Original upload HERE -
Official "LAKEY INSPIRED" YouTube Channel HERE -
License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.
Full License HERE -
Music promoted by NCM
Комментариев нет.
Substance Painter 2021.1 New Feature: Stitch Brushes
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Stitch Perfect: Embroidery Patches with Substance Painter!
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Create A Stylized Character - Part 1 (Blender 2.91 Tutorial)
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Blender Modeling a 5 Stone Diamond Ring! Start to Finish for 3d Printing
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How to create a rust effect with streaks using Substance 3D Painter
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ZBrush ZModeler Basics
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Substance Painter Wood Texturing Wood Текстуринг матеріалу Дерева
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Zbrush and Substance Painter - ID Maps (Short Version)
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How to make SKIN TEXTURES in Substance Painter
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Star Wars: Droid Tutorial - Part 2 - Baking & Texturing - Substance Painter
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Туториал | 3D Стилизованный Sci-FI Топор - Blender, Substance Painter, Marmoset Toolbag 4, ZBrush
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Загрузка набора текстур 1 кликом в Blender 2.9 из Substance Painter | Уроки на русском
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Substance 3D Add-On for Blender: A Complete Guide | Substance 3D
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Sculpt stone and brick walls inside ZBrush with Wall Maker by Aritstic Squad
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ZBrush простыми словами: как слепить первую модель? Урок для новичков. Начало работы в ZBRUSH 2020
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Как сделать 3D паттерн ромбиком на рукоятках пистолета в substance painter
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Creating Fabric for Backpack in Substance 3D Painter (fabric ,leather , stitches)
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Деревянный ящик - уроки в Blender 3D - Zbrush - Substance Painter| Ваша первая модель
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Substance Painter - Creating Profesional Textures
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Substance-Painter: Fabric & Cloth Folds (FAST!!)
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Substance Painter 3D PATHS Tutorial
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Tutorial wood in Zbrush Детализация дерева в Zbrush
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Geometry nodes for damage to stone - Procedural chipping
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Blender to Tabletop - Easy Walls (Wall Factory) Part 2b
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Blender 3.2 / Создание стилизованного текста с градиентом / How to make stylized text with gradient
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How (and where) to use Anchor Points in Substance Painter
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Blender2 79 Texturing a robot in Substance Painter render in Cycles
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Substance painter - custom Stitch tool (demo)
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Creating Fabric stitches for Footwear with Anchor Points in Substance 3D Painter
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How to apply Stitch in Substance Painter
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Substance-Painter: AUTOMATIC Fabric Stitches (1 Minute!!)
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Substance Painter: Masks and Polygon Fill
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Quick Tip: Edit a Baked Normal Map in Substance Painter
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How to create a paint peeling effect in Substance Painter
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Daily Blender Secrets - Medieval Tower with Wall Factory
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Stylized Character Workflow with Blender
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Tony Cipriano Studio Tour + NEW Zbrush Course Sneak Peek! #zbrush #tutorial
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Zbrush для начинающих | Zmodeler
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Zbrush Beginner Tutorial | Learn Zbrush in 40 min!
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Easy Character Modeling, Simple and Stylized || Blender 2.92
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Stylized Alien Landscape w/ Geometry Nodes (Blender Tutorial)
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Zbrush Brick Wall Sculpting Part 01
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How to texture Briefcase in substance painter
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Fake reflection on lowpoly headlight model in Substance Painter
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Modeling a Arch in Blender 2.92 & Substance Painter
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3 Simple Stylized Toon Shaders for Creating 2D/3D Artworks in Blender
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Texturing Stitch with Substance Painter
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Create A Realistic Fort Under 2min Using The Wall Factory Add-on || Blender Tutorial
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Substance Painter - midpoly wheel texturing timelapse [Part 2]
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Магия Anchor Point 01 - Настройка двойного слоя в Substance 3D Painter
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Как быстро редактировать цвет в Substance Painter / Цветокоррекция.
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My Take on a World Of Warcraft 3D Model | Blender | Zbrush | Substance Painter
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Blender Bridges that Speeds Up your Workflow (RizomUV, Substance Painter, Quixel Bridge, Connecter)
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Курс 3D Моделирования для игр | Серия 5 - ЗАПЕКАНИЕ | Blender, Substance Painter, ZBrush
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Substance 3D Painter First Steps: 01 - Creating a Project, Materials & Masking
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Как замаскировать шов в Substance painter
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Туториал | 3D Модель Черничного Пирога - Blender, Substance Painter, Marmoset Toolbag 4
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How to fix seams in Substance Painter
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High Poly and ID to Low Poly Model in Substance Painter
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CG стрім: Текстурінг в Substance Painter. База.
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How to Bake 3D Texture Maps in Substance Painter
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Substance Painter Trick everyone NEEDS to KNOW (how to use anchor points)
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Stone Well: Part 3 - UV Unwrapping and Baking Normals (Blender & Substance Painter)
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Быстрый старт в Substance 3D Painter
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Creating 3D Paths in Substance 3D Painter
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Substance Painter Tutorial - Beginner To Advanced
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Substance Painter 2021 Для Начинающих | Часть 1 - Основы интерфейса | Перевод на русском
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How to Create Stylized 3D Character Models in Blender,Pixologic ZBrush, Substance by Adobe
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Learn Zbrush in 8 Minutes - Zbrush Beginner Tutorial
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Substance 3D Painter. Курс 2. Урок 2: Работа с кистями и добавление объемных деталей.
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Blender - Normals For Substance Painter
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Tutorial Detailing of fabric in Zbrush Деталізація тканини в Zbrush
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Про то, что должен знать каждый 3D художник в Substance Painter!
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EVERYTHING you need to know about SUBSTANCE PAINTER!
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Маскирование UV швов в Substance Painter
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Create Organic Multi-Layered Materials with Substance Painter
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Realistic wood smart materials in substance 3d painter
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Запекание текстур в Blender, Substance painter и Marmoset. Сравнение софта.
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Substance Painter | Polygon Fill
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Blender 2.9 Tutorial - Stylized Character Modeling - Part 1 of 9: Head Blockout & Rough Sculpt
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За 10 минут мы поймем Substance Painter
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Texturing military water bottle (fabric material, stitches) | Substance Painter | fabric Material
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Displacement map Alpha in ZBrush
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Anchor Point Magic 04 - Rust Fade Effect in Substance 3D Painter
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Substance 3D Painter First Steps: 02 - Painting Dirt & Stitching
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Туториал | 3D Синтезатор - Blender, Substance Painter, Marmoset Toolbag 4
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Preparing for sculpt stone wall. ZBrush.
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Zbrush здорового человека
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How to Easily create Stylized Nature in Blender
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ZBrush to Blender Workflow - Using GoB
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Туториал | 3D Стилизованный Фонтан - Blender, Substance Painter, Marmoset Toolbag 4, ZBrush
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Создание стекла фары в Substance Painter и Unreal Engine.
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How to Create a Stone Sculpting Brushes in Blender 3.0
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RIZOM - РАЗБОР БЕЗ ВОДЫ(ответка для VideoSmile)
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Addon Projection Modeling Preview Blender
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1 Click Naming for Baking Instruction
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1 Click Naming for Baking preview
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Гайд по запеканию | Артефакты, highpoly/lowpoly - Marmoset Toolbag, Blender
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Blender песня #animation #blender #song
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Fix shading in hardsurface modeling in blender | using amazing shrinkwrap
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Rolls Royce Cullinan 3D Car Modeling Timelapse | Blender 2.9
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Photorealistic Lighting in Interior Design (Blender Tutorial)
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Blender 2.8 Add-on: Icon Viewer
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Экспорт 3D-моделей из игр на UE в Blender
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Blender 3.0 - Asset Browser - FREE Material Pack
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Procedural Edge Wear With Geometry Nodes
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Blender Как определить нужное разрешение текстур | How to find the right texture resolution
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3D моделирование ёжика в Blender | Мой опыт заработка на Fiverr | Часть 2
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ProGeoPrim Visual Boolean (part 1)
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How to Use the SURFACE DEFORM Modifier in Blender!
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Blender оптимизация LowPoly моделей
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Every Blender Math Node Explained - Dot Product
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Работа с кривыми Curve | как пустить объект по кривой | как сделать верёвку в Blender
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Machin3 Tools Blender Tutorial - Part 1
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Blender 3.0 Knife Project или как врезать круг в плоскость
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ВСЕ НОДЫ МАТЕРИАЛОВ | Shader | Blender 2.8+
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Basic Vector Math Functions - Vector Math Master Class in Blender
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I wish I knew this before using Geometry Nodes (Blender)
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Every Blender Math Node Explained - Modulo
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Тягаем булеан пайплайн
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Blender As A Video Editor? It's Actually Really Good!
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How to Make Car Rims using Blender
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Туториал | 3D Стилизованный Фонтан - Blender, Substance Painter, Marmoset Toolbag 4, ZBrush
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Blender Bool Tool | Blender Bool Tool Аддон | Blender Boolean Аддон
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Grooming a beautiful curly hair in Blender (Luwizart)
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Addon Link Curve Segment deformation (part 2 - Limit Deform)
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Trim Sheets: A Complete Tutorial
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